We are all being asked to get back to work.

The powers that be want to get the economy up and running again and for that we have to pack our briefcases, find something to wear on the lower half and head into the office.

The middle step is quite difficult. I’d packed away anything I hadn’t worn since winter and that included all trousers.

Given that they want us to commute it’s surprising that they have announced a train fare increase of 1.6 per cent.

It is because some ticket prices are linked to inflation and at 1.6pc it’s lower than we have had for a long while, but the reason inflation in low is because the economy took a hit.

Who do they think will be able to afford to pay more?

They’re expecting us to travel in, having less time with our families, while wearing a mask and pay extra for the privilege.

It sounds like 1.6pc is more of a reason to keep working from home to me.

Independent watchdog Transport Focus has said train companies should change the way the ticket system works to reflect the change in our working patterns. Does that mean they want train companies to sell us tickets to our own homes? They already do that, it’s called a return.

As we go back to work it is likely we’ll go in for two or three days a week but with a season ticket you’re paying as if you’d go in every weekday.

An annual season ticket from Barking already costs £2,076.

It’s a bad time for train tickets to price themselves out of our reach.

At the very least it feels like the price hike should be delayed. If there’s one thing train companies are good at it’s delaying things.