Over the past few weeks of uncertainty, amidst a rapidly-changing environment, I have been overwhelmingly encouraged by the community spirit in Dagenham and Rainham.

These are worrying times but, despite initial panic, we now find ourselves looking out for neighbours, the vulnerable and frontline key workers who are working flat out to ensure our safety.

As this situation has unfolded, I have been working alongside MPs from all parties to make sure the government is taking every step to support citizens. The lack of personal protective equipment (PPE) is fast becoming a crisis within a crisis, and I supported calls on the government to do more. Doctors and nurses are relying on the generosity of schools, construction workers and businesses to provide masks, surgical gloves and goggles.

We were not prepared for something like this. Moving forward, we have to consider the best way to protect people against pandemics, and improving the general health of all citizens is a good place to start. That means people taking more responsibility for their impact on others and more NHS investment.

This crisis supersedes party politics but let us not forget our NHS has been underfunded and stretched to breaking point for the last ten years. If something positive is to come out of this I hope it is a fully funded NHS, and that communities retain the sense of neighbourliness shown over the last few weeks.

Finally, please respect social distancing, stay at home, and save lives.

Get in touch if you need support on 020 8984 7854 or email cruddasj@parliament.uk