A "vibrant" carnival is returning to Barking and Dagenham in July for its 10th year - featuring international artists, local bands and street performers.

UKON Careers has announced that the Barking and Dagenham Carnival will take place this year on Saturday, July 13 in Barking Town Square.

The event is expected to attract local, national, and international carnival artists and bands, as well as schools, community groups, and street dancers.

Originally established by UKON Careers in 2014 as a children's celebration, the carnival has evolved into a family event catering to all public members, including senior citizens, children, young people, and those with disabilities.

Barking and Dagenham Post: Stilt walkers Alan Vaughan and the Moko Somoko Moko JumbiesStilt walkers Alan Vaughan and the Moko Somoko Moko Jumbies (Image: Joseph Young (Trinis In London))

The day-long event will also host a variety of carnival craft-making workshops, organised within the Carnival Village section.

The Barking and Dagenham Carnival hopes to unite all residents, cultures, and communities through the carnival experience, as well as supporting businesses and enterprises in Barking and Dagenham.

Vanesha Jordan, a previous spectator who now volunteers for the carnival, said: "Barking and Dagenham Carnival is a beautiful combination of culture, community and celebration.

"Carnival brings together the young, those who feel young and our amazing older generations in the community."

Barking and Dagenham Post: Konverse Dance Crews performing at the carnivalKonverse Dance Crews performing at the carnival (Image: Joseph Young (Trinis In London))

Attendees are encouraged to dress in their carnival costumes and bring along flags, horns, and bandanas to join in the celebration.

This year's theme for the carnival, The Green Tin Journey, commemorates the 10-year journey of UKON Careers and its work with the community.

The theme also highlights the move towards embracing recycling and creating a greener environment.

Cleon Lord, another volunteer who used to be an attendee, said the carnival is "truly magical" and a place to be "free and happy".

Barking and Dagenham Post: Performer Shaun Carrington at the Barking and Dagenham CarnivalPerformer Shaun Carrington at the Barking and Dagenham Carnival (Image: Joseph Young (Trinis In London))

Cleon added: "Carnival is special, and it brings together all cultures through music, dressing up and having fun."

Tia Robertson, a young apprentice for Barking and Dagenham Carnival, said: "To me, carnival is like stepping into a world of joy and creativity.

"It's a time when everyone comes together to celebrate with colourful costumes, lively music, and exciting performances."

UKON Careers is looking to recruit volunteers for this year's carnival.

Those interested in joining can contact info@ukoncareers.com for more information.