BACK to the saga of the wheelie bins. The council have told us we must have these monstrosities. If we don t they will not take away our rubbish. I was informed 92 per cent want the bins, well I can t remember them asking us to vote on the subject. It

BACK to the saga of the wheelie bins. The council have told us we must have these monstrosities. If we don't they will not take away our rubbish.

I was informed 92 per cent want the bins, well I can't remember them asking us to vote on the subject.

It's a pity these councillors who make these decisions can't be so enthusiastic about the holes in the pavements and the roads around here.

May I add as a rate payer who helps to pay their take home pay. Next time we will all be included in the vote. The next we know it will be once a fortnight pick-up. As it's too costly to do weekly pick-up of the rubbish.

It's all rubbish.

Mr & Mrs Ganson

Coote Road
