I FEEL I must reply to the letter of August 19 re Barking Town Centre. I stated the buildings were ugly and blocked out the light. As for but being reasonable to criticise the efforts being made to sell the new apartments; how they have been an award wi

I FEEL I must reply to the letter of August 19 re Barking Town Centre.

I stated the buildings were ugly and blocked out the light.

As for but being reasonable to criticise the efforts being made to sell the new apartments; how they have been an award winner I don't know.

I stand by what I said whether 'it is a work in progress' or not.

I and many people have said the same thing.

The block along by the police station, blocks the sky out and the colours are still horrible.

I stick by my view.

Maybe the writer does not live in Barking and does not have to look at it every day.

Mrs Bowtell

Crewen Gardens