The regeneration scheme of the old Sanofi site has been awarded for its campaign to turn a story of job losses into one of job creation.

The pharmaceutical company closed the doors to its factory in Dagenham in June after almost 80 years of manufacturing life-saving medicines.

For three years previously, Sanofi ran a campaign to engage with local residents and potential new businesses in order to leave behind a positive legacy.

What that has led to is the aim of creating of a science, business, manufacturing retail park under the brand of ‘business-east’.

The scheme hopes to attract new businesses to the location and generate hundreds of skilled jobs.

On Thursday Sanofi’s regeneration approach received national recognition at the Brownfield Briefing Awards with the company winning the award for ‘best public participation’.

Judges said they were “very impressed that Sanofi received no planning objections to the project, and found it highly professional that such a well-received and much praised campaign was instigated by the company vacating the site”.

Sanofi’s head of site Jim Moretta said: “Sanofi’s determination to create a positive legacy is unique for a pharmaceutical company closing a large facility. To achieve our goal of regenerating this site it was imperative that we had support from the entire community including our staff, the local authority and other key stakeholders.

“Our regular newsletters and public consultation meetings were really well received and we are grateful to the support of our staff who have been absolutely fantastic during this immensely difficult time.