Exam results released today show the rise and fall of primary and junior schools in the borough.

Figures from the Department for Education put the borough on par with the national average for number of pupils achieving the required level in reading, writing and maths for their Year 6 Sats tests.

But a comparison with last year’s results show huge leaps forward for some schools while others have fallen behind.

The biggest improvement came from Thomas Arnold Primary School, Rowdowns Road, Dagenham, who jumped up 22 percentage points from last year to 71 per cent.

Godwin Primary School, Finnymore Road, Dagenham, also climbed by 21 percentage points from just 57pc to end up above the national average on 78pc.

However the steepest decline came from Marsh Green Primary School, South Close, Dagenham, who fell by 22 points from 74pc last year to just 52pc this year.

Henry Green Primary School, Green Lane, Dagenham, also fell to 60 per cent having met the 75pc national average last year.

The Sats are national tests that children sit twice during their time at primary school, once after the end of Key Stage 1 in Year 2 and again at the end of Key Stage 2 in Year 6.