I have just read your latest report concerning the Galleons Day Centre and feel that there are two very important points which have not come across. Firstly, it is not just the Galleons centre which is at risk, it is all the centres run by Age Concern und

I have just read your latest report concerning the Galleons Day Centre and feel that there are two very important points which have not come across.

Firstly, it is not just the Galleons centre which is at risk, it is all the centres run by Age Concern under contract to the Council for social care provision.

My mother attended Galleons before being transferred to the centre now at Porters Avenue because of her dementia. She had been placed at Galleons by the Council following a Social Services assessment of need, as she would become housebound otherwise.

Secondly, the impact on carers has not been mentioned. Without this provision I would quite literally be a full time carer.

When Mum is at the centre I need this time not only to recharge my batteries, but to get out to do shopping and other essential tasks. My mother is very well cared for and I do not have to worry about her while she is there.

These are not "clubs" in the usual sense of the word. These are facilities which have been provided to meet an assessed need which, surely, Social Services have a duty of care to provide, regardless of resources.

It is the fact that the Council seem intent on keeping us in the dark until the last possible moment which I find deeply alarming.

Mary Parish
