HAVING read a recent report in the media concerning the plight of Margaret Hodge MP for Barking, who until recently was completely deaf to her constituents complaints and warnings. We were stating a fact of life and not being racist, that too many immigra

HAVING read a recent report in the media concerning the plight of Margaret Hodge MP for Barking, who until recently was completely deaf to her constituents complaints and warnings.

We were stating a fact of life and not being racist, that too many immigrants were being allowed to settle in and around her constituency, stretching services and resources to the limit.

None of these services when put in place were expected to deal with so many extra people, who had not contributed to these services and are exhausting our resources to an extent that we are all now receiving much poorer services.

It is only now that Margaret Hodge MP realises that her job is on the line as an MP that she has started to listen to her constituents and realises that what they have been trying to tell her for years has been proven right, but is she too late?

Norman Sampson

Cornshaw Road Dagenham